How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel your subscription plan at any time. This article is a step by step guide on how to do that. Please visit your account and click Cancel (https://www.freepdfPopularI have a paid plan but can't convert files, why?
You need to Sign In to your account to activate a membership and use all membership benefits. If you have lost credentials you can retrieve them in the password recovery form.Some readersHow do I sign in?
This article describes multiple ways you can sign in to your account. First of all, you want to find a "Sign in" link on the top right corner of the website (see screenshot above). Once clicked, a new page opens, and here you have multiple options: Sign in with Google Sign in with Facebook Use an email/password form to sign in Google and Facebook sign in isFew readersHow do I change my membership from monthly to annual or lifetime?
You can update your paid plan at any time. This article describes in detail how to do that. To change a membership you will need to cancel current membership following cancellation instruction and after you have canceled your membership you can purchase a new one at order page. Follow these steps to update your Premium membership Visit your PDF ConverterFew readersI lost my password. How can I recover my account?
You can recover your password straight from the PDF Converter website. This article helps you recover your account and change your password. If you remember the email address you used while ordering a PDF Converter membership, you can retrieve your password using our password recoverFew readersHow do I change my account e-mail or password?
Keeping your PDF Converter account up to date helps you protect your account. Here's how to edit details about yourself Use a web browser and navigate to Update your information Troubleshooting PDF Converter does not want to save Please ensure all required fields are provided. Email already taken You may aFew readersWhere can I find my invoices?
You can find a complete history of your purchases and receipts in your account dashboard. Follow these steps to download your receipt Visit your account dashboard. On the right hand side jus below your purchased plan click on "Invoice" Once on the receipt page, find the "Print" option in your browser (you can try CTRL+Few readersMy order (credit card) is declined
When "credit card was declined" appears while processing an order, it means that your credit card issuer/bank has declined the transaction. Usually, a quick call to your card issuer/bank will clear this up. Please note that all orders are reviewed by our payment processor and a very small percentage of them are declined if inconsistencies are identified by their system. If this is the case, you will receive an email from informing you that your order was declined. If you wFew readersI want to sign in with Google or Facebook. How do I connect it to my PDF Converter account?
If you have a Premium membership but cannot use our services when trying to sign in with Google or Facebook, it means that your Premium account is bound to a different email address. To access your PDF Converter account using a quick sign-in option with either Google or Facebook, you must first identify the email address of your Google or Facebook account and then change your PDF Converter's email addressFew readersHow to update my payment information?
You can change your preferred payment method at any time. You can pay for your subscription plan using either PayPal or your credit card. This article describes in detail how to do that. Proceed in the following steps in order to update your billing method: Sign in to your account and visit your dasboard Click an Update payment link on the right hand just below yFew readersCan membership be used on any computer in the world?
A service and your membership can be used from any computer, it is not tied to a specific location or restricted to a single device.Few readers